Amber Nova is going to take on Brian Atomic with Chasyn Rance as the referee. Starts with Atomic and Chasyn in the ring as Atomic wants to get revenge on Nova who says she bullies him. Nova comes in ready to bully Atomic some more. Chasyn tries to help calm the situation but Nova is a fire ball or a spark plug. She's fired up. Calling the guys names and looking for a fight. Nova kicks Chasyn to get him out of the way and then slaps and attacks Atomic. Nova continues the beatdown verbally and physically. Both Atomic and Chasyn are down as she tells them they're not men. Nova ties Atomic into the ropes below delivers knees to his midsection as she continues to beatdown Atomic. Nova pushes Chasyn around to do his job. Atomic is hurting as Nova tells Chasyn to help him to his feet. Nova picks up Atomic just to give him a big body slam before attacking his back and whipping the dirt off her boots on him. Nova grabs Atomic for almost a Camel Clutch but she just teases him for allegedly crying. Nova starts posing talking about her arms and her abs. Bragging how great her muscles are and better than the guys. Nova sits on Atomic's back and chin locks him while grinding on his head and then on Chasyn's head. Nova soon locks Atomic in a Boston Crab where she sits down and it does look like Atomic may be crying. Nova keeps talking crap before letting go to yank on his ear. Nova soon puts Atomic in a surfboard and eventually delivers knees to the back. Nova continues the beatdown and soon locks in a tight head scissors in the air causing Atomic to tap out. Nova won't let go. She shows off her body before letting go of the hold which causes her to "accidentally" kick Chasyn. As Chasyn checks on Atomic, Nova shoves Chasyn. Chasyn continues to berate them and says this must continue. Nova continues the beat down. She gives Atomic a side slam, a suplex, beats him up in the corner, shoves Chasyn around, and continues to pose showing off her muscles before delivering a devastating Pedigree. Nova keeps talking crap as Atomic begs for forgiveness. However, turns into more posing and a pile driver as Chasyn tries to stop the beatdown. Nova goes for a cover with her foot as Chasyn says it's already over. It's been over. Chasyn counts as Nova starts yelling at him. Chasyn starts to count but slow and Nova is pissed! Nova attacks Chasyn, poses, and delivers a Pedigree. Both Chasyn and Atomic are down. Nova keeps talking crap. Nova continues the physical and verbal beatdown. She chokes Atomic in the corner with her boot before putting him on the top rope landing on his jewels. Nova gets mad at Chasyn and attacks him again. Chasyn soon tries to help Atomic down as Nova comes back to stop Chasyn. Nova then grabs Atomic out of the corner to deliver a Powerbomb. Then, one big Bryan Danielson type of stop after grabbing Atomic's wrists. Nova apologizes just to show she was kidding and kicks Atomic back down. Nova continues to kick Chasyn as he tries to help Atomic. Nova calls them both pathetic. Nova beats on Atomic a bit more as Chasyn tries to get Atomic out. Nova says she'll help and she does that in a way of a double arm DDT. Atomic is completely out. Chasyn tries to cover up Atomic before receiving the best slap Nova hit him with in the match. Nova poses more with Atomic between her legs before she hits a modified Pedigree. She's got more for Atomic too in the form of a Stunner and of course, she wants another pin. Chasyn counts to 3 but she wasn't ready because of her hair. Then another 3 count before raising Amber's hand in victory. Nova poses but then attacks Chasyn with a boot and a Stunner. Both guys are in pain. Nova thanks them both for the match before posing and walking off leaving the men on the mat.
Video length 24:33
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