Tanaily vs. Chasyn Rance

Tanaily vs. Chasyn Rance

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Chasyn and Tanaily, both sporting green, as Chasyn says may the best man win, and Tanaily points out of woman. Chasyn lays down the rules about submissions and to hang in there if she can. Tanaily let Chasyn know to do the same. They start quickly as Chasyn finds an abdominal stretch and the two continue to wrestle back and forth until Chasyn finds a back breaker and stretches out Tanaily. She eventually gets out of it. They go back to wrestling and it seems as if Chasyn is in control but Tanaily takes him down with a fireman's carry. Chasyn says he's just warming up and gets Tanaily trapped in multiple holds including ones she's never seen before. He moves her all around until she stacks Chasyn up tightly. Chasyn soon takes over and accidentally elbows Tanaily in the head. They wrestle back and forth and Chasyn comes out on top until Tanaily flips around and puts Chasyn in a guillotine choke. She wrenches the choke in for a while before Chasyn starts to come up but goes back down. Chasyn is able to lift Tanaily up but she ends up with a sleeper hold and a body scissors on Chasyn. He eventually tries to flip Tanaily over but she doesn't let go. Chasyn crawls around and Tanaily says Chasyn is slippery. Chasyn gets Tanaily up and gives her an inverted atomic drop and then an inverted tombstone pile driver. Tanaily is in pain! She gets her neck and doesn't know what to do. Chasyn then delivers a nasty DDT and Tanaily is upset about a potential concussion. Chasyn gives Tanaily a devastating atomic drop. He hooks her for a chin lock while wrapping his legs into hers as a prep for the Romero special. Chasyn moves around a few times ending up in a tight camel clutch, a chin lock, and eventually strikes her when she won't give up and is jealous over her skin color. Chasyn rams Tanaily into a corner before trying to suplex her. Chasyn ends up delivering a knee and puts Tanaily in a full Nelson. He tells her to give up as she struggles. Tanaily tries to reverse it but she gets stuck back in the hold. Tanaily tries to fight out again only to receive a unique back breaker followed by a traditional front back breaker. Chasyn then secures a painful Boston crab. Chasyn tells Tanaily to quit and when she won't, Chasyn puts a few different holds on Tanaily including a cross legged chin lock, a Regal stretch, and soon tries to choke her out with a sleeper. Tanaily starts to go to sleep as Chasyn adds pressure with a body scissors. Eventually, Tanaily is able to unhook the legs, get up, and ram Chasyn into corner, after corner, after corner, and deliver a seatbelt suplex that puts both of them down. Tanaily gets up first as Chasyn tries to recover. She gives him an inverted atomic drop, followed by an atomic drop, they grapple around back and forth until the end up in a corner, more fighting, but an eventually swinging DDT. A 618 to follow, a German suplex, and a flying octopus stretch ends the match. It happened so quick at the end that the loser was not happy and after no real handshake at the end, an attack and an inverted tombstone piledriver ended this contest. As the loser lays out the winner and tell that person to not disrespect them and rolls out leaving the winner out on the mat.

Length: 14:41