Selene Wolf vs. Axl Hendrix 1

Selene Wolf vs. Axl Hendrix 1

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Selene Wolf looks to redeem herself in this match against another newcomer Axl Hendrix. Selene awaits for her opponent as she stretches in the ring. Axl makes his loud entrance berating Selene that she doesn't deserve to be on his stage. These two start out with some basic wrestling back and forth with grappling, take downs, and a bit of smack talking. Eventually, Selene starts taking over and tries to put Hendrix to sleep. He's able to find Selene's hair and takes over. He throws her around the ring, tires her up in a camel clutch, and soon after plants the back of her head into the mat. Axl tries to crush Selene but misses a moonsault allowing Selene to take over with a clothesline, an elbow, and a couple of suplexes. Selene also smashed Axl's head around the ring and he tries to fight back, but he's not stopping this Wolf. Selene delivers a powerful pump handle power bomb / Rip Tide. Selene is going for a torture rack and ends up putting Axl away with a sleeper. Selene exits while berating Axl and stomping him on the way out.

Video length 9:56

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