Demon Huntress vs. Chasyn Rance

Demon Huntress vs. Chasyn Rance

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Chasyn Rance talks to the new warrior, the Demon Huntress, and it seems like there may be a language barrier. Chasyn tries some of his Spanish on the Demon Huntress but aside from an intro, doesn't seem like they understand each other verbally, but physically, these two get into it quick. Chasyn moves the Huntress around but she's still with skills and eventually head butts Chasyn while he's trying to submit her. Chasyn doesn't let go but allows Demon Huntress to take over for a bit. Chasyn doesn't quit though but this definitely makes things easier on the Puerto Rican female wrestler. Chasyn attempts to get a rope break which allows an opponent for Chasyn to be sneaky. It doesn't work as Huntress takes over on Chasyn with a flying head scissors, a drop toe hold, a clotheslines, and then tosses him outside. Chasyn is not happy and finds an opening goating the Huntress to the ropes. Chasyn is on the attack and then locks in an abdonimal stretch as he starts to really mess with her. Chasyn speaks lots of English and she is not quite sure what he's asking. She tries to communicate but it causes Chasyn just to throw her around more from a full nelson to a back breaker and into a surfboard. Huntress starts to build a comeback and realizing Chasyn isn't trying to be friendly. Chasyn soon gives the Huntress a big body slam before focusing the attack on her back. Eventually grabs a modified camel clutch as Huntress hits the mat in pain, Chasyn is calling it as a tap out but she won't stop. She doesn't seem to know the rules here but she won't stop so Chasyn doesn't stop. Chasyn beats Huntress around the ring but she does fight back. Soon Chasyn picks up the Huntress for a stalling atomic drop, followed by another, and another sending the Huntress falling to the outside. Chasyn goes after her and tosses the Huntress back in the ring. Chasyn looks to be in full control as he shoots for a jackknife pin but Huntress kicks out. Chasyn finds a Japanes strangle hold to try to finally get the Huntress to officially quit. Huntress gets up but Chasyn is already on the attack. Huntress is able to fight back a bit and locks Chasyn in a for a suplex. Chasyn is trying to get her off but she's able to run up the ropes with Chasyn and seemingly arm drags him before finding a Rocker Dropper or a Fam-Ass-er and then showing she at least knows how to count to 3 in English.

Video length 9:58

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